Frankly speaking, According to latest Google algorithm update "Keyword density" doesn't matter. It's only a false belief that we checked and give preference to them. Few years ago, every webmaster insert too many keywords on their web page or website. More the keywords were on your website, the better ranking you got.
But when Google had noticed that "keyword Stuffing" is a bad or worse for the visitors and hurting them than help. They updated their algorithm and give preference to the rich media content sites.
I never understand why most SEO professionals still giving importance to the "Keyword Density". Two mistakes I mostly found in people who are new in SEO : either they not give preference to the keywords or they are just focusing on keywords stuffing. Both are wrong if you are willing to get traffic from searches towards your website. All you need to do proper keyword analysis before posting a content along with proper keyword density so that it will make you sure to rank well in search results.
I'm handling SEO, PPC, SMM and technical content writing team. I have to manage all content writing work and clients. According to updated SEO algorithm, I have my own strategy and guidelines for my writers to make them understand about SEO content writing. What's my instructions to them are:
- No need to care about keywords stuffing.
- Write for the users.
- Check your target niche at last.
- Always use primary and long tail keywords.
- You will start keyword stuffing automatically if they are in your mind.
- Remember topic not keywords.
When We talk about on page SEO section, use your keywords in meta title, meta description, use images related to your keywords. May be sometime you noticed that the Google shows description from your content instead of your meta description. No need to worry if your website page content is relevant to your website.
Say NO to keyword density as Google keep updating its algorithm like penguin, panda, humming bird to deliver better search results.
Now here is the question arise in all of your mind "what is the best keyword density?"
Actually there is no perfect or good keyword density given or mention by Google anywhere. Use your primary keyword once in 200 words content with relevant long tail keywords instead of using same.
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