22 SEO Interview Questions and Answers

Looking to switch your job in SEO, Wishing to work with a Good reputed SEO firm or 

Same Expectations are of a good reputed SEO firm. If a company is best they want to hire best. If you are expert in our field technically, have efficiency to work smarter even have knowledge of all then only you need is an opportunity.

Well I had given number of interviews in small and big SEO firms and from last 3 year I had taken mote than 100+ interviews of SEO Expert. I never prepared the question before interviewing.
Mostly question raised from Resume of the candidate so I will always suggest you while writing or making your resume keep in mind that you must know what you are writing. 

Well here are some SEO question I usually asked when I'm looking for a SEO expert having 6 months to 1 year experience.

what is SEO and why is so popular ?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a process to increase a website 
visibility, online presence, keywords ranking and popularity.
Today in the world of internet, Mostly people go for online services. They search for their 
needs and services on Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. For a business or a website, SEO is 
most important to rank higher on the Top searches of Google, Bing and Yahoo on 
particular keywords.

why the Page Title is so important in SEO?
Page title is the main part of a website page. when Google search engine spider crawl a 
page, Title is the way to describe and give information about the page.

What is the Keywords Purpose in SEO?
Keywords is normally group of words which are being searches by person on Google, 
yahoo or on other search engine. Whenever a search engine crawl and index a website 
page, It saves the keywords and when ever a user search for same keywords it will 
show that website page in searches.

How does Off Page Submission Procedure works?
Off Page Submission is a process to send or spread the data over internet world.
When ever we submit our site link on a website which has good trust of Google, We get 
a backlink in the form of trust of that site. which increase our website value or trust.

How much time a submission will take to appear in search engine?
Depend on type of submission.
Like social bookmarks 3-4 days.
Classifieds 1-2 and some time on the spot.
Directory submission takes lot of time.
So its all depends on the type of search engine.

How can we promote or do SEO/SMM of a product which is not launched yet? Is this  possible?
Well It's good question.
If we talk about SEO of a product which is not launched yet, limited options we have 
like press release of that products, Blogs 

But if we want to promote in right way then SMM is the best way:
You can see that many of Facebook pages have no websites or blogs still they are 
popular, many of groups are there. Same we can promote a website or product which 
are not launched yet.

How this all possible?
Need a page of that product, brand etc.
We have to follow same category pages, communities and groups.
Have to take part on all that groups and pages by commenting, sharing, replies and 
advice to other commentator. This all make trust towards them and they will attracts 
towards you and start following you.
Only you have to get engage with them.

Which tools you used in SEO?
I will used Google Webmster tool, Google Analytic, Ahrefs for link analysis, Keyword 
planner for keyword analysis.

Do you follow any SEO blog or website for updates?
Yes I'am . I follow Search Engine Land for Google Algorithm updates and other SEO 

What are Panda and Penguin?
Panda and Penguin both are Google Algorithm Updates.
Panda Is for website content quality and penguin for website backlinks.

How much time it would take to rank a keyword on Google First Page?
Depends on the keywords searches, their competition and type. 

What is Google Disavow tool? 
It's a Google Webmaster tool to remove bad backlinks of your website.

What do you know about On Page SEO?
On page SEO is the SEO work on your website like Meta tags, Sitemap.xml, 
Robots.txt, IMG Alt tags etc.

Who is Matt Cutts?
Head of Google web spam team.

What is Keyword Density?
It's the volume of keywords in a content.
The formula of Keyword density is :
Total no of keywords/Total no of words in your article x 100

What are the main On Page SEO factors?
Meta Title Tag, Meta Description, Sitemap, Image Alt Tag, Internal Linking, Robots.txt

Tell me about Google Webmaster Tool?
Its's tool used to track the sessions and clicks on the site. We can also track the 
crawling and indexing status of our website, server issues and also crawl or index a 
page manually.

What are Google Analytics?
It's used to track site performance, page views, traffic status, visitors information, from 
which city and country we are getting traffic. we can also compare the traffic and 
website performance with previous months or year.

What is the difference between Google Analytic and Google webmasters?
Google Webmaster allow to crawl and index a page manually, Clicks on the website, 
server errors while in analytic can track the live visitors on website their country or city, 
sessions, page-views etc

What are the Off Page SEO techniques?
Off page techniques are:
Social Boomarking
Directory Submission
Article Sharing
Profile Creation
Document Sharing
Blog Commenting
Question & Answering
Blog Submission
Image Sharing
Video Sharing
Press Release Submission
Classifieds Submissions
Local Listing
Business Reviews
Business Listing
Web 2.0
Search Engine Submission

How many SEO Techniques are available and which one follow Google guidelines?
There are there SEO techniques:
White Hat SEO Technique
Black Hat SEO Technique
Grey Hat SEO Technique

White Hat Technique is the technique which follow Google SEO guidelines.

What is ALT tag of an image and why it's so important?
Alt tag of an image is the alternative text for a image which represent the image information. It's important to give Alt tag to an image because search engine can read the image, store it and when ever a user search for that keyword (text in Alt tag) it will show that image in searches. 

All the best. I will be back with some more interesting SEO interviews question of expert level, Team Lead Level and Manager Level.

Write for us. Share your SEO case studies, knowledge among the world. Mail me at agaurav167@gmail.com.